NJ Lottery | Quick Draw Retailer Quick Draw Retailer
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New Jersey Lottery

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New Jersey Lottery

Become A Quick Draw Retailer

Quick Draw is a WIN for your business. Retailers say they have seen an increase of up to 15% in their food and beverage sales because customers are more engaged during their visit. They stay longer, spend more and tip better.

What's in it for you?

Adds money to your bottom line. Customers stay longer to play Quick Draw, you see bigger tabs, bigger tips and more foot traffic.

We share your posts on New Jersey Lottery Social Media


  • Earn 5% on every ticket sold.
  • Earn 1.25% payout on all prizes up to $600 that you cash at your establishment.
  • Earn 2.5% Bonus when players in your establishment win one of the top three tier prizes.
  • Earn 2.5% Bonus if you sell a Quick Draw Progressive Jackpot Winning Ticket.
We share your posts on New Jersey Lottery Social Media


  • Grow your sales week over week and earn up to an additional $1,000 in the first 20 weeks of selling.
  • Your dedicated Quick Draw Sales Representative can show you how you can earn an additional $1,200 throughout the year.
We share your posts on New Jersey Lottery Social Media

A Winning Game Plan

  • No contract.
  • No obligation to sell other Lottery games.

CALL TODAY at 609-395-2575 or EMAIL quickdraw@njlottery.com

Increase Sales Through Promotions!

Promotions for Owners and Staff

  • Partner Play - Bartenders and waitstaff get a chance at a Quick Draw free play for a chance to win up to $100,000.
  • Text-To-Win - Bartenders and waitstaff text for a chance to win $100 Gift Card.

Promotions for Players

  • Bonus Hours - Once a week (hours and days vary), players get a chance to win 50% more prizes!
  • Quick Draw Party - Quick Draw Sales Representatives will engage your customers through interactive in-store promotions using games, prizes, coupons to play Quick Draw.

Hear from Owners and Managers that have Quick Draw

"We have created an entirely different atmosphere at Dadz Bar and Grill. People come in and drink more, eat more, they win some money, they tip better. This game creates an energy I've never seen before in the bar business"

-Jim Filler
Owner, Dadz Bar and Grill

"People live 2 or 3 miles away (from my bar) and tell me they have never been here before. When I ask them why they have come, they let us know that they found us on the NJ Lottery web-site because we carry Quick Draw"

-Frank Signorello
Owner, Frenchy's Bar and Grill

"We have been with Quick Draw lottery since day 1 and our customers love it"

-Peter Kowal
Owner, Butch Kowal's Tavern

"My favorite part of the game is making extra money in tips and our clientele staying longer"

-Rachel Ackerman
Bartender, Butch Kowal's Tavern

We Invest In Your Success!

  • Specialized training for your staff at your location.
  • Dedicated Quick Draw Sales Representative.
  • Play slips, play slip holders and pencils.
  • Signage - Exterior and Interior, Winner Awareness.
  • Quick Draw Advertising - TV, radio, New Jersey Lottery website.
  • We share your posts on NJ Lottery Social Media, that's over 148,000 followers.
  • "How to Play" support materials to share with your customers.
  • Promotions by Quick Draw Sales Representative (e.g., games and prizes, coupons to play Quick Draw).
  • 24-hours Assistance. Call the Retailer Hotline for equipment service, technical support, and to order terminal supplies.

We share your posts on New Jersey Lottery Social Media
Exterior Signage
Play slips, play slip holders, pencils and interior signage
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#NJLottery    #NJQuickDraw

All Equipment is Provided and Installed for FREE!

43 inch flast-screen TV Monitor

43 inch flat-screen TV monitor

Sales terminal

Sales terminal

Player-operated ticket checker

Player-operated ticket checker

Contact Us Today!